North Texas MedSpa

817-581-4354   |  ✉️

Laser Hair Removal Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions

Laser Hair Removal Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions

Laser Hair Removal is a safe and effective way of reducing and eventually eliminating unwanted hair from your body. It will save you time and money compared to shaving and other hair removal methods. Plus, it’s good for the environment!

However, clients may become frustrated by their results if they don’t know what to expect or fail to follow pre- and post-procedure instructions. These guidelines will allow more effective hair removal while keeping your skin healthier and free of adverse side effects.

Pre-Care Instructions for Laser Hair Removal

  • Before your appointment, you must shave the hair from the area to be treated as completely as possible. If you cannot shave yourself, please notify our office before your appointment. We will schedule extra time to shave the area for a $50 per area fee.
  • Do not wax, pluck, or use depilatories during your series of laser hair removal treatments.
  • Avoid sun exposure for 1 to 2 weeks before your treatment, and use SPF 30 or more daily to ensure protection against UVB and UVA rays.
  • Do not use self-tanning products within 1-2 weeks before and after treatment. 
  • Discontinue use of Hydroquinone, Tretinoin, and Tretinoin-type products (Renova, Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Tri-Luma, Solage, etc.) for at least 2-3 days before treatment.
  • Please disclose all medications to our office prior to your appointment. Photosensitive medications, such as some antibiotics, Accutane, and St. John’s Wort, may make you more sensitive to laser therapy and will need to be discontinued before treatment.
  • If you have a history of cold sores, begin prophylactic treatment with Valtrex or similar no later than the day before your laser hair treatment.
  • Notify the center if you develop a cold sore, acne, or open lesions in the treated area or experience any type of illness before your treatment. We will assess the situation and reschedule your appointment if necessary.
  • Laser hair removal on the face may impact the longevity of Botox and dermal fillers. We recommend not getting laser hair removal within six months of these treatments and strongly discourage receiving Botox within 2 weeks before or after treatment.


IMPORTANT REMINDER — Laser hair removal is not 100% effective. The industry standard is a 75% to 80% reduction in the number of hairs after 3-6 treatments. Not all hair follicles will be destroyed permanently, and hormones can cause hair to grow back.

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare

  • You may experience small red bumps around the hair follicle. This is normal and expected. Do not pick, rub, or scratch these until they have cleared. Your skin may be sensitive for several days following your laser hair removal treatment.
  • Use gentle cleansers and keep the area dry, especially for the first few days.
  • If your skin scabs or crusts or you experience burns, do not pick, rub, or scratch these areas. Doing so can result in infection, permanent pigment changes in your skin, or scarring. Gently cleanse the area and apply hydrocortisone cream several times a day for one week. If the area is open, apply a layer of antibiotic ointment over the hydrocortisone cream. Please contact us immediately if you experience any burns.
  • Do not sunbathe or use a tanning bed for at least 2 weeks following your treatment. If you need to be out in the sun, wear an SPF 30 or more and keep the treated area as protected as possible.
  • Avoid swimming, hot tubs, and saunas for several days after treatment.
  • Although rare, infection in the treated area is possible. Signs of an infection include redness and tenderness in the infected area and fever. If you develop an infection, you should contact us or your healthcare provider, as antibiotics may be necessary.

What to Expect After Laser Hair Removal

After getting laser hair removal treatment, especially your first one, your skin may be red and slightly swollen. Many people compare it to having a sunburn. This typically goes away within the first day, and these immediate effects tend to lessen with subsequent treatments.

Your skin may feel tender for the first few days. To reduce discomfort, you can use calming creams, aloe vera, and cold compresses. Wearing loose clothing will also limit friction and irritation.

Within 5-21 days, your hair follicles will likely develop small bumps or scabs as they begin to weaken and die. You may also notice darkening or lightening of the skin. These are all typical side effects that should resolve on their own.

It can take several weeks for the treated hair to “fall out” or push up and out of the hair follicle. Again, because of your body’s hair growth cycle, you will develop new hairs in the treated area over time. 

Laser hair removal is a process. You have millions of hair follicles that grow in different cycles. Treatments can only work on follicles in the growth stage, and multiple treatments are required to catch the follicles that were previously at rest.

Subsequent treatment sessions should be scheduled 6 to 8 weeks apart for the face and every 4 to 12 weeks for the body, depending on the area being treated. You may see a reduction in hair growth after one treatment. However, most people need 2-6 treatments for significantly less growth, with maintenance treatments every 6-12 months.

Although complete and permanent hair removal is unlikely, regrowth should be much lighter and thinner than before treatment.


Please call our office at (817) 581-4354 during regular business hours if you have ANY questions or concerns.

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