North Texas MedSpa

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Body Sculpting Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions

Body Sculpting Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions

If you’re trying to shape your stomach or burn some fat to reveal toned abdominals, Body Sculpting can help! 

This procedure uses electromagnetic pulses to target and contract your muscles, providing your body with the same effects as thousands of crunches and situps. Body Sculpting helps you build muscle more effectively and burn fat faster in the treated area, giving you the shape you want.

Although this is a safe and relatively painless treatment, it is not suitable for everyone. If you are pregnant, have a pacemaker or other metal devices or implants, and have a history of muscle vulnerability and hernias, you should seek an alternative treatment. 

Body Sculpting is also not the best choice for those who are overweight or have significant accumulations of fat around the treatment area. Because the electromagnetic pulses target the muscles, fat can disrupt that connection, leading to less effective pulses.

However, if you are struggling with the last few pounds or want to tone your body more efficiently than with exercise alone, this treatment can make a huge difference.

Pre-Procedure Instructions for Body Sculpting

  • Arrive at your appointment with clean skin, free of lotions and other products in the treatment area. 
  • For best results, shave the area on the day of your appointment, especially if the area is covered by thick or dense hair.
  • Remove piercings, especially body piercings close to the treatment area, before your appointment.
  • Wear comfortable, loose clothing that does not have any metal-infused fibers or metal accessories.
  • You must be well-hydrated before and after your treatment. We recommend drinking 2 liters of water the day before your appointment and at least 1 liter on the day of treatment.
  • Avoid eating a large meal before treatment, as this could lead to discomfort.
  • To avoid adding pain to potentially inflamed and burned skin, avoid tanning and unprotected sun exposure for 2 weeks before your appointment.

Post-Procedure Instructions for Body Sculpting

  • Wait 24-48 hours before exercising the treated area to prevent straining or tearing muscles.
  • Consider resting for a day or two if you feel weak or sore.
  • Maintain hydration by drinking plenty of water after your treatment.
  • For best results, follow a balanced, low-processed sugar diet and resume a regular exercise routine once the soreness has resolved.

What to Expect After Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting is not a magic solution to total fat loss or newly sculpted abs. However, it is a highly effective complement to an active and healthy lifestyle.

Because muscle takes time to build, it can take up to 2-4 weeks and multiple treatments to see significant results. If this is your first experience with Body Sculpting, we recommend scheduling 4 treatments spaced several days apart over the course of two weeks.

You will notice the most dramatic results within a week or two of your final treatment. More toned muscles and increased fat loss can be even more pronounced if you follow a healthy diet free of processed sugars and foods and maintain a regular exercise routine.

Regular maintenance treatments will help you sustain your target weight loss goals.

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