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How to Take Care of Your Skin (header w/o title)


Keeping your skin healthy and beautiful should be pretty straightforward. But knowing how to take care of your skin can get a little more complicated than you’d imagine.

Between the thousands of different products, the published habits of celebrities, and the wild things people recommend on TikTok, it’s a lot.

While trying new things can be beneficial occasionally, there are many skincare dos and don’ts that everybody should follow. These habits will keep your skin healthy, clean, and youthful for years to come.


How to Take Care of Your Skin: Skincare Dos


With so much misinformation and decision paralysis out there, the task of developing a good skincare routine may be daunting.

However, these skincare dos are a must for almost everybody and provide an excellent foundation for improving and maintaining your skin throughout your life.



You may have read about certain celebrities not washing their faces in the morning (or apparently at all, for some…). It’s hard to argue with them when their skin looks so beautiful and smooth.

However, washing your face is one of the most crucial ways to take care of your skin.

Even during sleep, your skin collects sweat, sebum, and impurities. No matter how well you wash your face at night, you don’t want to pile products onto whatever has built up on your skin. Not only will this potentially lead to clogged pores, but those products will lose effectiveness because they won’t absorb as deeply.

Cleanse your face daily

That said, using the right cleansers is essential!

Most people only need gentle, PH-balanced cleansers that don’t strip their skin of its natural moisture and protection.

You should also be careful with the temperature of your water. Long, hot showers will strip your skin of its protective oils, even if you are using gentle cleansers.

And while we’re on the subject of cleanliness, make sure you’re cleaning the things that touch your face, too. Wash your makeup brushes and sponges every 7-10 days, your pillowcase once a week, and your hands throughout the day and always before applying products.



While cleansing removes dirt, makeup, and debris, exfoliating scrubs away dead skin cells. This process allows your skin to regenerate more quickly, absorb products better, and improve your skin’s appearance.

Most people should gently exfoliate 2-4 times per week. There are many exfoliation methods, and the right one depends on your skin type. If you’re unsure what to use, ask your aesthetician. 

The crucial thing to remember is not to overdo it! Don’t use body scrubs or stiff bristles, and don’t do it more than you need to. Being too rough or doing it too much can leave your sensitive face inflamed, red, and irritated.



Protecting your skin from the sun and UV rays is the most important thing you can do for your body.

The sun’s harmful rays are the largest source of skin damage. Not only can it make you look older and discolor your skin, but it can also lead to potentially deadly skin cancer.

Always wear SPF 30 or more when going outside, even for short periods. You can also protect your skin with clothing, large-brimmed hats, and staying in the shade whenever possible. And don’t forget to reapply throughout the day!


Protect your skin with sunscreen



If you have dry or older skin, you already know how crucial moisturizing is.

But those blessed with oily skin think they might not need it, or worse, even feel it’s bad for them. (And yes, we say blessed. Although some may struggle with acne, oily skin has many benefits if you know how to take care of it!)

The truth is everybody needs to keep their skin hydrated. The trick is finding the right one for your skin type. As with exfoliation, your aesthetician can help you with that.


Special Treatments

No matter how well you take care of your lovely face at home, you and your skin deserve a day at the spa occasionally.

Facials, chemical peels, and other MedSpa treatments give your skin an extra dose of regenerating powers and highly beneficial ingredients that leave your skin looking and feeling vibrant and youthful.


Nutrition and Hydration

Great skin starts on the inside.

A healthy, balanced diet and proper hydration support cellular turnover, production of collagen and elastin, and skin barrier protection.

A skin-healthy diet includes healthy fats, nutrient-dense vegetables, and nuts and seeds. You can also take supplements such as Vitamin C, collagen, fish oil, and biotin if needed.


woman with healthy, beautiful skin


How to Take Care of Your Skin: Skincare Don’ts


Now that we’ve covered the things that you should do regularly, we have to talk about what you need to avoid as much as possible.

Some are easier than others, and we would never judge you for doing any of them. But we do strongly encourage you to stop sooner rather than later.


Don't pop pimples

Don’t Pick or Pop

We know; popping that zit is just so tempting. But don’t do it!

Picking and popping can cause lifelong scars, pits, and infections. Believe us, those are so much worse than having a temporary albeit annoying pimple.

WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: Most of the time, pimples will go away on their own. To speed this up, keep your skin clean and apply pimple treatment to the area.

If your acne is pervasive or deep, visit a dermatologist.


Using the Wrong Products

Whether you’re shopping for moisturizers, exfoliation, cleansers, or makeup, the right product for your skin type matters.

Avoid buying the cheapest thing or guessing about what you need. And definitely avoid putting something on your face that has irritated it in the past.

WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: Know your skin type, allergies, and possible conditions before buying products. Then, find *professional, dermatologist-approved* recommendations about what would be best for you. When it comes time to shop, purchase quality products from well-known sources. If you’re still unsure, talk to your aesthetician.


Product Overload

There really is too much of a good thing. 

Piling on product after product or layers of makeup can be just as clogging for your pores as not cleansing at all.

Plus, when it comes to serums and moisturizers, the more you use, the less it absorbs. If it’s not sinking into your skin, you’re just wasting money.

WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: After cleansing, apply a toner, and then follow with a serum before applying a thicker moisturizer and, if needed, an oil. Always top it off with sunscreen. Even if you don’t wear makeup over these products, make sure you wash your face every night before bed.


You’re More Than Just Your Face

Although your face is the first thing people notice, it’s not the only part of your body that will visibly age.

Many people worry about how their necks and hands look as they get older, so don’t neglect these areas during your daily skincare routine.

WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: When caring for your face, cleanse and apply products to your neck and chest, as well. And be sure to moisturize and protect your often-forgotten hands with sunscreen.


moisturize and protect your hands, neck, and chest


Smoking and Drinking

Like the sun, smoking is one of the most damaging things you can do to your skin. Not only does it cause direct damage, but it’s also terrible for all aspects of your health.

Drinking doesn’t have as large of an impact, but it can dehydrate you and leave you looking puffy and red. An occasional drink is fine, but don’t overdo it.

WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: Quit smoking or never start. It’s harsh but true. If you’ve struggled to quit in the past, talk to a doctor or therapist to find a way that will work for you.

When drinking alcohol, make sure you balance it with plenty of water.


It’s Never Too Late to Start Taking Care of Your Skin


No matter how old you are or how many skincare don’ts you’re guilty of, developing a healthy skincare routine is always a good decision.

Sure, you may need extra special treatment for damage or particularly dry, oily, or prematurely aged skin. But your body’s tissues are designed to regenerate and produce substances that protect your skin, especially once you begin taking proper care of it.

Healthy skin at any age

So, learning how to take care of your skin correctly can turn back the clock and give you the glowing, youthful complexion you’ve always wanted. More importantly, it can provide protection that can improve your body’s overall health.

If you’re ready to start improving your skin’s health, call for a free consultation and VISIA Skin Analysis scan today!


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