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Laser Hair Removal

It’s time to ditch that razor for good

Plan ahead for laser hair removal

Laser Hair Removal in Colleyville

Goodbye, razor bumps. Hello, silky skin, thanks to laser hair removal!

Let’s be honest; shaving is exhausting, and waxing is painful. Not to mention, these are only temporary solutions for unwanted hair.

The good news is, there’s a better way.

Laser Hair Removal is a non-invasive treatment that targets hair follicles at their root to remove them and prevent future hair growth permanently. Best of all, there’s no pain involved. It’s an incredibly safe and gentle way to permanently remove unwanted hair from almost anywhere on your body with absolutely no downtime.

Treatment Areas

Unwanted hair can show up anywhere. Fortunately, we can perform laser hair removal treatments on practically any part of your body using Candela’s elōs Plus. Our lasers can take care of hair on even the gentlest of skin.

Some of the most popular treatment areas our clients ask for are:

  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Bikini Area
  • Brazilian
  • Chest/Back
  • Chin/Neck
  • Sideburns

Treatment Area Sizes for Laser Hair Removal

Every person’s body is unique, and we all come in different sizes, shapes, and amounts of hair.

So, for consistency and ease, we use this chart to determine the size of the treatment area based on each body part.

Laser hair removal treatment area sizes chart

If you have questions about multiple areas or a body part not listed above, please get in touch with us or discuss it during your consultation.

Average time women spend shaving







Laser Hair Removal Saves You Time & Money

The average time women spend shaving in their lifetime is 72 DAYSThat’s 1,728 hours of your life that you will never get back. 

Laser hair removal will allow you to use that time more productively by taking care of the daily or weekly hassle of shaving.

Many women also spend approximately $15.95 per month on shaving products, which adds up to over $11,000 in a lifetime. 

These time and money costs aren’t much lower for men either. On average, men spend 45 days of their life shaving and up to $4,000 a year on products. 

When considering the cost of laser hair removal, you would only spend a fraction of that price to remove the hair permanently. 

It’s not only a huge time saver; it also leads to significant financial savings.

Laser Hair Removal Saves the Earth Too

Shaving hurts more than just your schedule and wallet. It isn’t so great for the planet, either. 
In 2020, over 158 million people in the U.S. used disposable razors, all of which ended up in landfills. Electric shavers are better, but they’re still not perfect. Just like disposable razors, they can’t be recycled either.
Shaving creams also add to waste and pollution. Many brands contain toxic chemicals that can cause problems for both you and the earth.
Finally, there’s the water. Many people shave in the shower, resulting in gallons of wasted water in just a few minutes.
Laser hair removal solves all of these problems. Therefore, it’s healthier for both your skin and the environment.

The Results Speak for Themselves

Even one treatment will significantly decrease the appearance of hair.

Even one Laser Hair Removal treatment will significantly decrease the appearance of hair.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Laser Hair Removal

In most cases, we recommend a treatment plan of 6 treatments on the area to completely remove hair and achieve the best results. It is crucial that you come in for each treatment to ensure every follicle is affected to diminish the chance for regrowth.

If a package of 6 treatments is purchased, we also offer free touch-ups for up to 12 months if any hair happens to return.

To ensure you have the most comfortable and successful experience, there are several things you should do to prepare for laser hair removal.

  • When making your appointment, please let us know what medications you are taking and what other procedures you have had in the last six months, especially those involving the treated area(s). Also, please notify us before your appointment if you develop cold sores, acne, open lesions, or other injuries to the area.

  • In the 2 weeks before your treatment, avoid self-tanning products, tanning beds, and sun exposure. Use SPF 30 or above to protect against the UV rays both before and during treatments.

  • Discontinue using Tretinoin-type products and Hydroquinone 2-3 days before your treatment.

  • Do not wax, pluck, or use depilatories before or during a series of treatments.

  • However, you do need to shave before your appointment. If you cannot, please let us know beforehand. We will shave the area(s) for an additional $50 fee per region per occurrence.

Your technician will explain what to expect and aftercare procedures at the time of your appointment, but you may read all pre- and post-procedure instructions here.

Aftercare includes gentle hygiene and skincare, avoiding sun and UV exposure, not scratching or picking at the skin as it heals, and staying away from hot tubs, saunas, and swimming pools for several days after treatment.

Generally, the pain is minimal, if felt at all. However, the pain level can increase in more sensitive regions.

Some people describe the sensation as somewhere between a light pinprick and a rubber band snap on the skin.

The cost can vary depending on the size of the area that you are wanting to treat. You can expect to spend between $65-$275 per treatment.

Sometimes, we hear from people who find treatments at a lower cost or on deal sites like Groupon. Unfortunately, we usually cannot match other spa’s prices or deals. 

The issue is that not all laser hair removal devices are the same.

Lower-quality lasers may cost less, but they require more treatments to remove hair, assuming they work at all. While you’ll need multiple treatments with even the best lasers, and the risk of regrowth is possible, these issues are reduced with top-of-the-line lasers and experienced technicians.

We only use Syneron Candela machines, one of the industry’s highest-quality aesthetic lasers.

Because we don’t know if other places use a similar quality machine, we do not typically price-match.

Ready to ditch the razor?

See how we can help you look & feel your best with a FREE consultation.

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