North Texas MedSpa

817-581-4354   |  ✉️

Microdermabrasion Pre- and Post-Pre-Treatment Instructions

Microdermabrasion Pre- and Post-Pre-Treatment Instructions

Microdermabrasion is a unique, non-invasive treatment that provides incredible exfoliation by gently “sanding away” the top layer of skin. It quickly reveals the brighter, smoother, healthier skin underneath.

This exfoliating process also promotes faster cellular turnover, which can treat and resolve many skin conditions. Microdermabrasion helps with acne and scarring, sun damage and hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, rough and dull skin, and enlarged pores. Plus, it decreases fine lines and wrinkles, helping you look younger.

Since it is non-invasive and requires no chemicals, microdermabrasion is safe and effective for all skin types. However, it may not be suitable for people with highly sensitive skin, active rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, and open sores.

To ensure you have the safest and most effective treatment, please follow all pre- and post-procedure instructions.

Pre-Treatment Instructions for Microdermabrasion

  • Arrive to your appointment with clean skin; do not apply creams, lotions, or cosmetics.
  • If you are prone to cold sores in the treatment area, please begin taking an antiviral 2 days prior to your treatment.
  • Avoid tanning and unprotected sun exposure for 2 weeks before your appointment.
  • If you have had any skin procedures, including—but not limited to—waxing, laser treatment, fillers, or chemical peels, you should wait at least 2-3 weeks before Microdermabrasion treatment.
  • Please disclose all topical and oral medications to us before treatment. Some medications, such as Accutane (Isotretinoin), must be discontinued 6 months before treatment. Blood-thinning drugs and supplements, such as aspirin, warfarin, and fish oil, should be discontinued 2 days before treatment.
  • Stop using Retin-A and other retinoid-type products, as well as salicylic and glycolic products, in the treatment area 3 days before treatment.

Post-Procedure Instructions for Microdermabrasion

  • Use gentle, perfume-free cleansers and moisturizers to care for your skin after treatment.
  • Anti-inflammatory creams and cold compresses may be used if you feel discomfort, redness, or swelling.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for up to 7 days after your procedure, and use at least SPF 30 on the treatment area throughout the healing process.
  • Do not pick, scratch, or scrub your skin with harsh exfoliants as it heals.
  • Avoid sweating, saunas, swimming pools, lakes, or ocean water for 24 hours after treatment.
  • Cleanse the treated area with a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser, but wait at least 48 hours before using exfoliating scrubs or brushes.
  • Avoid applying makeup the day of your treatment, but you may use makeup the next day as necessary.
  • You may also resume anti-aging products within 24-48 hours or when your skin is not irritated or inflamed.
  • Wait 3-7 days before resuming retinoid products.

What to Expect After Microdermabrasion

Although mechanical exfoliation may feel slightly uncomfortable, most people experience no pain. We’ve often heard people comparing Microdermabrasion to being licked by a cat.

However, after the procedure, you may experience increased sensitivity, swelling, and discomfort, which can feel like a sunburn. These common effects can be treated with soothing creams or cold compresses, and they will usually resolve within 24 hours.

Your new skin will also likely be pink to pinkish red at first. Typically, the pink will fade within 48 hours but may last up to a week. Discoloration can be easily covered with makeup 24 hours after your procedure.

Finally, it is common to experience mild flaking or peeling. Again, this will resolve on its own. Keeping your skin moisturized and drinking plenty of water for internal hydration can help decrease or prevent peeling. Remember not to scratch, pick, or peel the skin, which can lead to wounds and scarring.

Please call our office at (817) 581-4354 during regular business hours if you have any questions or concerns. 

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