North Texas MedSpa

817-581-4354   |  ✉️

Sublime Skin Tightening Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions

Sublime Skin Tightening Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions

Sublime Skin Tightening is a powerful, non-invasive treatment that can take years off your face.

This procedure uses infrared laser light and bipolar radio waves to stimulate collagen production in the deeper layers of your skin. As collagen increases, your skin becomes smoother, firmer, and more youthful.

Although this is a safe treatment suitable for all skin types and tones, following all pre- and post-procedure instructions is essential for maximum effectiveness. 

Pre-Treatment Instructions for Sublime Skin Tightening

  • Arrive to your appointment with clean skin; do not apply creams, lotions, or cosmetics. If you have dense hair in the treatment area, please shave as close as possible on the day of your appointment.
  • If you are prone to cold sores in the treatment area, please begin taking an antiviral 2 days prior to your treatment.
  • Avoid tanning, self-tanners, and unprotected sun exposure for 2 weeks before your appointment.
  • If you have had any skin procedures, including—but not limited to—waxing, laser treatment, fillers, or chemical peels, you should wait at least 2-3 weeks before Sublime Skin Tightening treatment.
  • Please disclose all topical and oral medications to us before treatment. Some medications, such as Accutane (Isotretinoin), must be discontinued 6 months before treatment. Stop using Retin-A and other retinoid-type products, as well as salicylic and glycolic products, in the treatment area 3 days before treatment.

Post-Procedure Instructions for Sublime Skin Tightening

  • Use only gentle, perfume-free cleansers and moisturizers to care for your skin for three days after treatment.
  • You may apply makeup after your treatment if desired.
  • Anti-inflammatory creams and cold compresses may be used if you feel discomfort, redness, or swelling.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 7-14 days after your procedure, and protect your skin with at least SPF 30 on the treatment area.
  • Wait at least 3-7 days before resuming retinoid products. Please ask your technician about the best products to use and how long to avoid others.

What to Expect After Sublime Skin Tightening

The procedure itself is entirely painless. However, some people, especially those with sensitive skin, experience mild redness, swelling, and discomfort afterward. This typically resolves within 24-48 hours.

You may notice smoother skin and fewer wrinkles after your first appointment, especially when combined with other rejuvenating methods. However, since this laser treatment works by encouraging your body to produce more collagen, maximum effects take time.

We typically recommend that most people schedule at least three treatments 4-6 weeks apart. After a VISIA scan and consultation, your technician will form a more specific plan for your needs.

Each treatment will produce smoother, firmer skin with the most dramatic results visible after your last treatment.

Please call our office at (817) 581-4354 during regular business hours if you have any questions or concerns. 

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