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No matter how excited you are about your trip, traveling is tough on your skin. Dry airplane air, pollution, stress, and an upset to your regular routine can all show up on your face. But having a vacation skin care plan will help you care for your skin, no matter how crazy your trip gets.

Whether you’re flying, taking a road trip, or just lounging on a nearby beach, these skin care tips will keep you looking fresh, clean, and vibrant throughout your vacation.


Vacation Skin Care for Airplane Travel


Airplane air is very dry. That lack of moisture, especially on long flights, has a significant impact on your whole body, including your skin.

If you’re traveling by airplane, your vacation skin care routine should begin before you even get on the plane. Start by making sure you are sufficiently hydrated by drinking at least 2-3 liters of water a few days before and on the day of your flight.

Before you leave, cleanse well and apply a rich moisturizer to your face. You should also lotion your hands and body. We also recommend going light on makeup or skipping it altogether. If you wear anything, ensure it’s lightweight and non-comedogenic to allow your skin to breathe.

Applying sunscreen is also a great idea, or at least using a moisturizer with SPF 30 or more. Although the window will block sunburn-causing UVB rays, it won’t protect you from UVAs, the ones that cause premature aging. Even in an aisle seat, you might be exposed to more sun than you think, especially if people don’t draw the shade!


Vacation skin care on a plane


Once you’ve taken off, avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these dehydrate you. Plus, it’s hard enough to get quality sleep on long flights as it is, and these substances make it harder. Since sleep is crucial for healthy, vibrant skin, try to rest without alcohol or stimulants. 

Instead, drink water, juice, milk (if your stomach can handle it!), and electrolyte drinks. If alcohol is a desired part of your travel experience, opt for a cocktail such as a Bloody Mary or Mimosa. These are mixed with nutrient-rich and hydrating juices that help to balance the alcohol. And if you need something to calm an upset stomach and can’t take Dramamine, try sucking on a peppermint, applying acupressure to your wrist, or other natural nausea remedies.

Salty snacks are also dehydrating. Instead, pack dried fruit, fresh, easily transportable veggies, low-sodium nuts, granola bars, and other healthy options. Snacks that you can bring will likely have much more skin-healthy nutrients than anything you’ll get on the plane.

Bringing hand sanitizer and lotion, lip balm, and a face mist is also helpful. These products will help you stay moisturized while maintaining hygiene during your flight. Just remember not to touch your face any more than necessary! Airplanes are challenging to clean and covered in germs — germs and substances that you don’t want to transfer to your skin because they could lead to clogged pores and breakouts.

Finally, consider wearing compression socks, especially if you are on a long flight or prone to retaining water. Compression socks improve circulation, ease discomfort, and reduce swelling and puffiness. It also helps to walk a bit and stretch every 1-2 hours, and try to do some movement in your seat.


Once you reach your destination and get settled, thoroughly cleanse your face to remove any dirt, bacteria, and oil that may have collected on your skin during your flight. You could also gently exfoliate with a scrub or cloth to remove dead skin cells and help your skin absorb serums and moisturizers better.

After you’ve washed the flight germs off, rehydrate your skin. Start with a potent serum, such as super-hydrating Hyaluronic Acid or the powerhouse antioxidant Vitamin C. Follow that with an eye cream to help combat puffiness and dark circles. Then, finish with moisturizer; choose one with SPF if you’re going to get out and explore.


what to pack for vacation


You don’t want to be weighed down by too many products in your suitcase. So what should you bring?

  • Cleanser — Even nice hotels rarely have cleansers and soaps that are good for your face. So, pack a mild, non-stripping facial cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and makeup without causing dryness or irritation.
  • Exfoliator — Opt for a gentle daily scrub. If you want to avoid another bottled product, consider a face-friendly scrubber or exfoliating washcloth.
  • Serum — Serums use targeted ingredients to hydrate, protect, and rejuvenate your skin. Rather than packing a whole fleet of them, find one with multiple beneficial ingredients, such as SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic.
  • Day and Night Moisturizer — Choose a lighter moisturizer with SPF for daytime adventures. Pack a rich cream for nighttime use to rejuvenate your skin while you sleep.
  • Eye Cream — Even if you’re lucky enough not to deal with under-eye issues, travel can cause puffy eyes and dark circles for anybody. Eye cream will help!
  • Spot Treatment — Don’t let a surprise pimple ruin your fun!
  • Sunscreen — Remember to protect all of your skin, not just your face, from sun damage!
  • Makeup — Stick with the bare essentials. Since keeping up with skincare may not be your highest priority on vacation, you don’t want to wear heavy makeup. Bring what you need to feel beautiful and confident, and leave the rest at home.
  • Protective clothing — While not necessarily a beauty product, sun-protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses all shield skin from harmful UV rays, keeping it healthy and beautiful!

Look for miniature versions or travel sizes of your favorite products to keep your luggage light. You can also transfer small amounts into clean, smaller containers. Just make sure everything is closed tightly and leak-proof! The last thing you want is a massive mess in your luggage.

Lastly, keep TSA-approved lip balm, face mist, hand lotion, and, if desired, sheet masks in your carry-on.


road trip skin care


Vacation Skin Care for Road Trips and Camping


Although you may not have to deal with dry airplane air, traveling by land has its vacation skin care challenges.

First, sunscreen is even more important in a car than on a plane. Avoiding direct sunlight in a vehicle is almost impossible, and making frequent stops means even more sun exposure. So, bring a big bottle with you and apply liberally before you hit the road.

Cleansing can also be a problem, especially if you aren’t staying somewhere with a shower. Face wipes are a must on road and camping trips because they keep you clean when fresh water isn’t readily available. Plus, they’re easier to pack. Just remember to carry a little trash bag for them; you should never litter or flush wipes!

Other essentials that you should bring are similar to airline travel: lip balms, hand sanitizer and lotions, facial cleanser and body wash (for when you do have access to water), moisturizers, and antioxidant-rich serums. Look for powerhouse products that provide multiple benefits in one formula so you can keep your luggage or backpack light.

It’s also a great idea to bring bug repellent! Mosquitoes and ticks carry some major diseases. Plus, aside from the discomfort of itching, you don’t want to deal with unsightly red bumps and potential infections from bug bites.


maintaining skin care on vacation


Maintaining Your Skincare Routine on Vacation


Traveling is bound to upset all of your daily habits, including and certainly not limited to your skincare. Plus, it’s okay to let loose and enjoy yourself at times. But going too far off your normal routine will make it harder to return to it once the vacation is over.

While away, remember these other tips to keep your skin and body healthy on vacation:

  • Eat nutrient-rich, light meals, especially between heavier indulgences.
  • Drink plenty of water!
  • Enjoy alcohol safely and in moderation.
  • Get good sleep. If you struggle to sleep in strange places, bring a noise machine, ear plugs, your pillow, or anything else that will make rest easier.
  • Move daily, especially if your vacation is more laid back than active.
  • Keep your face and body clean! Whether you’re in a new city or the great outdoors, your skin will accumulate dirt, oil, bacteria, sunscreen, and, if used, bug spray and makeup. Even if you don’t maintain any other part of your skincare routine on vacation, make sure you wash (or at least wipe!) all that off at the end of every day.

By following these vacation skin care tips, you can help keep your skin healthy and glowing throughout your journey. Safe travels!



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